Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Off to the doctors...

Ok...I'm off to my (HOPEFULLY) LAST doctors appointment. I am prepared to get on my hands and knees and BEG to let today be his birthday!!! We'll see what happens! :)

UPDATE: I'm 2cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby is zero station (ya, I know what all this means now...it's been an educational process!)

SOOOOOOO...I wait (STILL). The doctor said to hang in there, it will be "anyday" (yes, he's been saying this for over a month now). I've been having sporadic contractions today, but they aren't as painful...so I'm pretty happy and content. My doctor leaves for vacation tomorrow...so I've become ok with the fact that my doctor won't deliver the baby...which was hard to understand. He's been my doctor for a year now...through the last pregnancy and through this one...and he's just the best. But, it's out of my hands, and honestly I just want a happy, healthy baby...I don't care who catches him as long as they don't drop him! :)

So...I'm waiting and waiting for the contractions to pick up OR my water to break...I think I'll go for a walk!

1 comment:

The Miller's said...

I know it's hard to think of someone else delivering your baby after spending the whole pregnancy with that particular doctor in mind. I was pretty shocked to find out the night I was having Edward that my doctor wouldn't be making it. So at least you have some warning to accept that! But really it's not that much time spent with the doctor anyway, they only come in for the pushing. With Colette I had to wait for the doctor and once he made it, it only took 2 pushes! So even though it seems like the doctor is such a key part, it's really more the nurses and family that help you through the labor that count.

Good luck! I can't wait to see a picture of him!!!