Sunday, March 16, 2008

I need an instruction manual for this labor stuff!

I had a false alarm last night (Saturday). I have been having mild contractions for about 3 weeks...but nothing that I could time. Yesterday around 6pm they became very timeable...but not SUPER uncomfortable...just there. They were between 3-5 minutes apart...and I was told to come in if they were 5 minutes. So we went.

They put me on a monitor and they were 2-9 minutes apart (a bit more fluxuation) but only mild (45 seconds each I think) and I was 70% effaced and a little over 1 cm dilated. Right before the nurse called the doctor, I had contractions that were more like 80 seconds. SO the doctor on call said I could walk around for an hour and see my progress...or just go home. At this point it is like 9pm and the nurse highly suggested that I just go home and sleep...especially since I mentioned we had walked a lot that day. It wasn't worth tuckering myself out for nothing. The cool thing is that she could feel his little he is really low!!!

I haven't slept super well overnight (it didn't help that about 1/2 an hour ago the cat knocked the laptop on the floor and woke us up...I thought she might have scared the kid right out!) I've had 3 or 4 contractions through the night that woke me up...and now I'm having some more...but not super close and not to the point where I'm crying.

I'm just so confused because they always instructed me to count them and if the frequency was right, come in...and now they have all these other rules...labor needs an instruction manual! :)

Thought I would share all that fun information...hopefully we'll have a baby soon!!!! :)

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