Monday, January 14, 2008

Gotta pee NOW

I've always known that pregnant women need to pee frequently, and this totally makes sense especially late in the pregnancy. However I never knew the URGENCY involved in this frequent peeing. There are times that I'm totally fine, no need to go number 1...but then I stand up and INSTANTLY have to this is not a drill...GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! This has made life the point that I'm thinking I'll need a large mouthed jar in my car in case of emergency!

So if you see me hanging out in my van...please don't knock! ;)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Ha! You crack me up. Yes, I remember those days well. I felt like I couldn't get anything done at work because as soon as I got back from the bathroom and back into what I was doing, I'd have to go again. This might be TMI, but when I had to have the c-section and they had to put in a catheter, I was dreading it, but it turned out to be HEAVEN!! I could just lay there all night long and didn't feel like I had to rush to the bathroom over and over and over and over...