Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too many pictures?

I feel like I've been using my blog for a photo album, but not so much as a I'm fixing that right now.

Right now I'm uploading photos to One True Media to make a slideshow of pictures from Nolan's first year. I cannot believe he is going to be a year old next week. Where did the year go? I look at newborn pics of him and I barely recognize him...he's changed so much since he was born.

I'm also reflecting on my first year as a mom. I've done things that I said I would never do (let him watch TV just so I can get a bit of a nap, let my house become covered in toys) but those things don't seem to matter all that much. My house will be a mess, this is a fact, I wouldn't trade my new life for anything.

I was told MANY times that Nolan would change my life, change ME. Yes, he has changed my focus. Things that seemed so important before, seem so pointless now. Before I would feel accomplished if I got a laundry list of things done in 24 hours. Now I'm just thrilled if I get a little laundry done and get to run through the shower. Nolan is such an amazing kid, and I can't seem to remember life without him. I guess when I really think about it, Nolan didn't change me or my life...he was just the missing piece. I love being a mother even more than I thought I would. Even when I'm up to my elbows in snot, pee, poop and something else that I can't quite figure out...I wouldn't trade my life for a million dollars! :)

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